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Publishing with Sunacumen Press
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After a couple of years in hiatus, I am opening my doors (figuratively) again to clients who need help self-publishing. I am not a traditional publisher. In fact, I don’t publish books at all. Instead, I assist people who want to self-publish but either lack the formatting and design skills or tools, or lack the confidence to proceed on their own.


What I can do for you:


  • Edit or find other editors who can polish your manuscript, either with line editing and rewrite or with copyediting - whatever you need.

  • Format your book so it looks as professional and clean as a traditionally published book – sometimes even more so.

  • Create a book cover from your artwork or photograph, or start from scratch to create a cover that speaks to the readers you want to attract.

  • Acquire the ISBN, LCCN and CIP blocks that ensure you own all the rights to your book and add that extra element of professionalism.

  • Walk you through the publishing process on today’s self-publishing platforms, including Lulu, KDP (Amazon), and Ingram Spark.

  • Help you prepare an ebook for distribution on Kindle or through mass distributors like Draft2Digital.

  • Show you ways to make your book available to the general public or provide copies simply for your family and friends.

  • Provide a Sunacumen imprint for your cover, title page and versa page; and for your Amazon listing


I have helped more than two dozen authors - poets, memoirists, novelists and non-fiction writers - complete professionally designed and edited books and make them available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other outlets.


However, other than helping you make your book available on online platforms, I do not market or distribute your book. You will need to acquire or solicit publicity, advertising or marketing through other vendors or do it on your own.


To learn more and get a quote for services, go to the contact page or click on the "chat" button in the lower right corner.

For media inquiries about my books, or to request a book club, library or bookstore appearance, please send me a note via the contact page.



(c) Marj Charlier 2023

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